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  • Mon – Fri 9.00 am – 6.00 pm

Terms of use


1. Hi, we’re Envato. We’ve met before over at Envato Market Terms. It’s good to meet you again and we’re really glad you’re keen on becoming an author with us.

2. Imagine creating what you want, when you want, from the comfort of your own home, making passive income whether you’re working or not. Some of our authors sell stock in their free time as a hobby, some do it to get their name out there, and some are able to make it their full time profession.

3. Becoming an author is easy and if you’ve reached this point then you’re already a member and you’ve accepted our Envato Market Terms. These additional terms for authors (‘Author Terms’) are an extra part of the Envato Market Terms that apply specifically to authors on the Envato Market. You’ll need to agree to them before you can become an author. These govern the relationships, rights and obligations of authors to us and buyers using Envato Market. You agree to put your items on Envato Market and make them available to buyers on the basis stated in the Envato Market Terms and these Author Terms.

As an author on the Envato Market you have responsibilities to us and buyers of your items. Please take the time to review these Author Terms carefully.

4. When we say ‘you’ in these Author Terms we are referring to you, the author. All other words defined or explained in the Envato Market Terms have the same meaning here. If there’s any inconsistency between what we say in these Author Terms and what is in the Envato Market Terms, what we say in these Author Terms prevails.

5. Read on for details about your author responsibilities, the process of selling your items on the Envato Market and how you can earn money with us.

Becoming an author

6. Becoming an author is free: Becoming an author and putting your items up on the Envato Market is free but there is a review process before your items go live. There are a few things you promise in exchange for the right to be an author, which are outlined in these Author Terms.

7. Process to become an author: There are easy steps you follow to sign up as an author, which are outlined on the Envato Market Become an Author guide. There you’ll find instructions and resources that will help you get started. You’ll also find information about payment, submission requirements and other important information about being an author on our Author Guide page.

How selling your items works

8. What you're providing:

  1. License: When you ‘sell’ an item, you’re making your item available to buyers and downloaders to use that item under certain conditions; you’re not actually selling the item itself. What you’re selling includes a license directly to the buyer or downloader to use that item under the relevant license options that we set.

    For the different types of licenses and detail about what rights you are licensing see our licensing page. Take a moment to understand how your work will be licensed!

  2. Item support: You can choose whether or not to support certain items. If you choose to support an item, this will be identified on the item page. All supported items include a support period. Buyers can buy support extensions on these items.

    To understand item support, like what items are covered, what you agree to provide buyers, the support period and support extension options, see the item support policy page.

9. The total price for an item on Envato Market is made up of:

  1. Item price: The item price is made up of a license fee (for the license chosen for the item), and if relevant the item support fee (for supported items).
  2. Buyer fee: This is the fee buyers pay Envato for the buyer services we provide buyers.
  3. Handling fee: In some transactions the total price may include a handling fee.
  4. Taxes: Some transactions may be subject to tax that may be added to the list price or handling fee.

    The list price is made up of the item price and buyer fee, and is the price on an item page.. See Envato Market Terms for information about all the parts of the total price.

10. Exclusivity: When you become an author, you can choose to make your items available exclusively on the Envato Market or have the option of selling your items elsewhere. As we explain next, the percentage of revenue you receive from each sale of your item will vary depending on your choice. You can change your exclusivity status which will affect the percentage of revenue you get after you change your status.

11. Your earnings; author fee: When your item is sold on Envato Market, you will earn the item price component of the list price less an author fee that we charge. The author fee is what you are charged by Envato for use of our platform and services as an author. The author fee is determined by whether you are selling the item only on Envato Market exclusively and by the aggregate value of list price sales you’ve had in the past. The author fee you pay to us is set out in the rates schedule that we can change at our discretion, from time to time. Any changes to these rates will take effect on and from the date on which notice of the variation is posted by us on Envato Market.

12. Setting the prices of items: We set the prices of items in some categories on Envato Market. We know how valuable your creations are to you and so we endeavour to make the prices we set for your items fair and in line with the going market rate. Even so, you acknowledge and agree that we have absolute control over the pricing of Envato Market items in categories where we set the prices. There are some categories known as 'author-driven pricing categories' where authors set the prices for their items. If you sell items in an author-driven pricing category, you must make all pricing decisions independently. This means that discussions about your pricing decisions are not permitted under any circumstances.

13. Review: When you think you’ve created an item suitable for Envato Market, you can submit that item to us to check the quality and whether it contains adequate information for buyers. We have rules about what we accept and don’t accept and you can read up on these in our author-related Envato Market information. Although we always like to provide constructive feedback we’re not obliged to give you any reasons for rejecting your item. We have the final say on whether items are accepted for Envato Market.

14. No Variation: You are not permitted to vary these terms (or our Envato Market Terms) as they apply between you and buyers, or to offer your items on different terms or with additional terms (for example, through your item description pages). Any different or additional terms that you try to impose on Envato Market on your items will have no effect against buyers or Envato.

民居邮票邮票吧邮票图片邮票交易所纪念邮票上海邮票网奥运邮票龙邮票大龙邮票鸡年邮票战争与屠杀换来短暂的和平,渐渐得人们失去了真实善良的情感,沉浸在酒色财乐之中,善恶只在一念之间,一个人暗恋的心情,看到了暗恋对象在一个大叔的身下,只是因为钱,是啊,有了钱,就可以了,一个女人,为了家里安稳,一次一次的付出,换来的是自己男人,在外所谓的应酬的花天酒地,一个学生用功的学习,有了好的成绩,换来的是,学分和层层的评比的潜规则,换来的毕业证后到了社会上,需要的依旧是钱和权势,安份工作的人,到了中年,会被要求更重的工作任务,最后无奈被开除了,再到社会上,找不到工作,生活的方方面面都要钱,因为没有钱,孩子要上学,父母要看病,看到的是一支支股票的高低数据变化后的起落的背后是管理者们的游戏,灯红酒绿后空虚的狂叫,一个个被车撞死的路人,只是让人看了不顺眼,开车的人,心情不好,来不急停下自己的车。一个老人在家等着孩子的还来,一个人的生命被道德绑架后,心脏的移植,一个个害怕问题大事化小,小事化……穿越大明 唐鼎本想做个游手好闲的败家子 奈何摊上了个败家爹 开局败光家产,欠债十万两,被诬造反 家里还有三个美貌娇妻要养活 唐鼎无奈支棱起来 开启亲爹养成计划。 抛妻弃子,间接害死了全家,李文军在懊悔中孤独生活了四十年后重生回到1980年。 这一世,他要做实业振国兴邦,带领各行业把技术提前二十年; 这一世,他要弥补所有过错,让家人温饱不愁,平安喜乐。 做出第一部对讲机,拥有了自己矿山,带领开发房地产,钞票哗哗流进来。 赚钱,对他来说才是最容易的事情。 世界那么大,无奇不有…… 真的存在“鬼”吗? 绝大多数人对于那些看得见“鬼魂”的人的看法,就是你疯了吧;傻子,世界上怎么会有这些东西;你那是幻觉,精神病…… 世界上最恐怖的是人––自私、自利、残暴…… 本书都是小故事构成 一个御兽的世界师傅交给我一传家宝,却只是一本老旧的《水浒传》,我郁闷的回到家,闲来无事,翻到武松打虎的那一夜时,竟神奇的穿越回了书中的那个年代,还意外有了自己美娇妻金莲,在这个有点凄惨的开局下,且看我如何积攒实力,成功逆袭,手撕渣男,救我兄弟,扳倒高俅,收降梁山,抗击北辽,平定方腊,一改乾坤!乱世之中,烽火天下,他一朝穿越,却是个落魄秀才,要啥没啥,更倒霉的是他还被山贼找上门来; 落魄不要紧,钱我可以自己挣。 什么?没处挣?那就去抢。 至于山贼?更不用怕,正好抢了他们的财物做军资。 我相信,总有一天我林东的名字会响彻整个大明。 总有一天,我林东能挽狂澜之将倾,扶社稷之即倒,延续我族千年文明!红月当空,全球骤变。拥有力量,你就高高在上,应有尽有,没有力量,你就只能任人宰割。危机爆发,众种族林立,丧尸,异兽,鬼种,人类。九转山河,浩瀚天下,试问天下,谁与争锋!起步比别人晚的颜逸能否追赶众人的脚步,在末日之中杀出一条属于自己的路。不可一世的玄帝重生地球,发誓猥琐发育,靠着茅台修炼,被迫学习泡妞,而让他没想到的是,岳母竟是前世灭他满门且与他同归于尽的女帝。得知这个消息的唐玄虎躯一震,嘴角上扬:“既然如此,我有一个大胆的想法……” 家中出现的倒斗工具,亲人的失踪,带有线索的照片,一切的一切都将吴迷引进了一个巨大的迷局当中。 于是,他通过夹喇嘛的方式入墓寻找更多的线索,谁也没想古墓之中竟有如此之多诡异离奇的事:鬼藤、东夏神尸、化蛟……
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